Paul's Reunion Tour of Vienna

Paul's Reunion Tour of Vienna

As many of you know, Paul studied the fur trade for 4 years in Vienna 48 years ago. This year we took a trip down memory lane and returned to Paul’s favorite coffee houses, schnitzel Gasthauses, his old boarding house and the shop where he worked.

It was a pretty amazing experience for Paul and the highlight was the full tour of his old shop where Paul apprenticed. Although the furrier is long gone, the building is remarkably the same. The grand staircase, the chandeliers, even the layout were all exactly as they had been so many years ago!

We landed in Vienna just as a Siberian cold front hit Europe, aptly called "the beast from the east". We have never had colder weather in Europe but it didn’t stop us from touring the National Library, The Spanish Riding School, the Albertina Museum and the Hofburg.

On the last night of our stay we attended the Viennese Opera. It was  truly a memorable evening and Verdi’s Macbeth was incredible but the ‘people watching’ was even better! It was so great to see everyone dressed to the nines and bundled in furs!

What a special trip and we loved every minute!


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